So there i was minding my own business in the grocery line, peacefully TRYING to grow my hair out, when emma watson jumped off of marie claire and assaulted me with her cuteness.
I had gotten over the initial breathtaking excitement of seeing the pixie cut on jean seberg, mia farrow, carey mulligan, etc. over it (well, as much as you can ever be over jean seberg and mia farrow, which is not at all). And then emma watson had to go do this and renew my love for it! oh dear.
i didn't even know who emma watson was until last week (i'm pretty terrible at keeping up with celebrities). Steve had to explain to me that she was harry potter's friend. But when i looked at her before with long hair, i realized again how short hair can just transform a face. I think she looks so much more chic and grown up now!
these pictures are from VOGUE uk, and Marie Claire.
thanks for reading my silly hair rant :)
obviously not a really big issue, just trying to decide what to do at my looming hair appointment.