Chelsea was not only kind enough to feature my studio, but she wanted pictures of Adelaide's clothing as well, so we got to do a vintage shoot! It was insanely fun and inspiring. We had to go really fast because the sun was setting, and so i was unzipping the girls and getting them into their next pieces immediately when they were finished with one set of photos. It felt like the runway shows I've seen on tv, which i loved!

I freaking love how the models looked together! aren't they gorgeous?? Aimee and Sally were troupers, and they were the furniture movers as well (not many models have to do that)

now i'm so happy that the honeysuckle got out of control, it looks like a fairlyland.

i love sharing secrets in the dark...

i have dreamt about seeing this dress on someone who actually fits in it beautifully (instead of pinning it to my dressform). Aimee wore it beautifully.
I loved seeing the girls "shine" in their dresses. lots of squeals of "this is my favorite dress ever!" or "oh i love this." one thing i miss out on without having a physical store is seeing girls try on, fall in love with and take a dress home. I rarely get to see my customers in their items, so if getting a piece in the mail from me is anything like these girls felt putting them on, i am so thrilled.
favorite favorite favorite!!!

i think this should be a painting in a museum somewhere. i hope its okay to share the secret that it was dark in this room with only a little light from the doorway. somehow chelsea made it look like this and the effect is incredible.

thanks for looking and do check out
chelsea's post too!
all of these dresses (minus the one i'm wearing and the green 1960's one with the pan collar) are available for purchase, either already listed or soon to be. just contact me if you are interested
thanks for reading,