Friday, December 17, 2010

What's on the Table (and around the Kitchen)

This fall (wasn't that just last week? it seems like it), Steve made me one of my favorite meals. and he even used the new duck measuring cups I thrifted. I swore i would never like ducks because my mom decorated with a lot of country duck bits (even duck wallpaper), but i could NOT resist these guys.

yes, its Butternut squash and Vanilla risotto. both savory and sweet, and the MOST perfect comfort food. Just as a tip, a vanilla bean at the store can cost $11, yikes! you can get a much better deal ordering them on amazon.

you know its going to be good when even the compost is pretty.
I set the table. it was such a peaceful at-home date nite with great conversation and lots of laughs.

only ONE member of the family was not happy. a pathetically begging Dylan, who did not get one bite.

Here are a couple of new cookbooks i got at a rummage sale. i love casseroles, especially in winter. this one has some really fantastic sounding ones.
Quite an old book, with lots of antiquated notions, but lots of good recipes too and cute illustrations.
this guy lives inside our metal kitchen cabinet. he makes me smile every time i open it so i had to share.
last but not least, Kringlas, a swedish cookie my friend Laurie makes at Christmastime. she brought us some and they are so delicious. they taste like shortbread, but are light and fluffy like pancakes.
what's on your table?
i hope your holiday preparations are going well (if you celebrate holidays around now) and you aren't getting stressed.

Thanks for reading,


  1. yummm! you make me hungry!and the the little ducks are super cute!

  2. Do you have an entire set of dishes with that blue design on it? I have one shallow bowl that belonged to me great grandma. Not something I expected to pop up anywhere...

  3. I love this post! Thank you for sharing your table and kitchen with us. And kringlas is sooo good. I've got to try to find some now.

  4. I have the same dish set! (Cannonsburg Temporama?) Love the duck measuring cups.
